About Us

Griffin works in the sewer industry and hated never feeling clean no matter what product he used or how much he scrubbed.  He set out to make something for himself and we all used it here at home.  We found it helped our son with his eczema.  Ban has a lot of medical issues so when Griffin formulated an amazing recipe for himself, and it helped our son we decided to start this adventure.

As the parents of a disabled special needs child there isn’t a whole lot we can control with his health. We can only make sure he gets all the therapies he needs and take him to all his doctor appointments to ensure he stays as healthy as possible. I can't explain what it feels like most of the time in not knowing how to help him with all of his different issues.  Finding our products helped Ban was like a breath of fresh air and helped us feel like we could help him with something even if it was the smallest issue he faces!

Ban was not born with eczema.  When he was about 18 months old, he broke out into a head-to-toe rash which continued for 9 months.  Nothing dermatology did helped.  They finally referred us, and we were sent to a wonderful immunologist who figured out what was causing it.  It was horrible and a very rough time for us all. Once the rash finally cleared it left him with eczema.  We don’t claim to cure, get rid of or help eczema as everyone is different.  All we can say is it helps our son, and we have had several customers state it did help them.  We've also found it helps customers with psoriasis.  If you have a skin condition, we highly recommend any of our Bare Bones products.

We appreciate everyone's continued patronage and feedback!  

Mom (Jessica) & Dad (Griffin)

Mom (Jessica) & Dad (Griffin)

Ban our superhero (Pronounced like Bon)

Sissy & best big sister (Alyssa)